Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Symbol Analysis

Tihira Johnson

Symbol Analysis

In the book Of Mice and Men there are many symbols. Three main symbols are Candy’s dog, Lennie’s puppy, and The Farm. In this essay I will be explaining why these are the main symbols in the book.
A good explanation for what Candy’s dog represents may be ending of dreams, death, and sickness. Candy’s dog represents the ending of dreams because just maybe, Candy may have wanted to have planned his future with his dog and now he realizes that he can’t. It represents death because the dog is now dead and has become a foreshadow that Candy may be next. It is a representation of sickness because both Candy and his dog are sick. They both are very old and ready for death.

An example of why Lennie’s puppy is a main symbol is because it represents joy. The puppy represents joy because it is very playful, careless, and carefree. This symbol is important to the book because in way the dog represents the future that both Lennie and George will one day share. When Lennie receives the puppy it comes at the same time that George, Lennie, and Candy plan their future.

Finally, The Farm is a complex symbol. It represents heaven, success and peace. These symbols are important to the book because when Lennie gets killed he finally gets the farm that he’s been dying to have. It represents success because they were all striving for success and once they had the farm they would have reached their goal. It represents peace because both Lennie and Candy’s dog are now at peace and in a way so is George. He doesn’t have to worry about Lennie getting into trouble or killing people anymore.
In conclusion, some people never realize the importance of symbols and they may miss half the story. But as we can see by analyzing Of Mice and Men there is a better understanding of the conflict and everything that goes on in the book. So next time you read a book be sure to look for symbols because they really help.

Service Learning reflection

Tihira Johnson

The Mirror: What have I learned about myself through this experience?

I have learned so much about myself throughout this experience. I have learned that I really can work and cooperate with others in a very respectful manner. I have learned that what I do reflects on others and that encourages me to do better.

The Microscope: Describe three moments of failure, success, indecision,doubt, humor, frustration, happiuness, sadness?

Three moments of failure would be trying to change school lunch, trying to go out and eat for lunch, and trying to sell sandwiches as a small adevertisement just to see if the students would preferr to eat that type of lunch so that we’ll know what to do for next year.Three moments of success would be pretty much nothing because we have’nt really had any successes due to the fact that we have’nt really done anything to have any successes.Indecisions would be mainly everything that we have done as far as the going out, the trying to call companies to sponser our schools lunches, and pretty much combinding as a group to get things done the right way.Doubts there aren’t many doubts except for the fact that we can not change school lunch because the schools landlord will not rerenevate the kitchen to a full service lunchroom. Humor, there is alot of humor within our group even our teacher has a little humor which makes the group very intertaining and fun to be a part of I myself have alot of humor within the group but overall the humor is what makes the group fun. Frustration, yes there is alot of that as well espoecially when the teacher talks and talks abotu the same thing over and over again, and when we take walks and the instructor does not know where she’s going that makes me so frustrated and angry because I get tired of walking to the same place. Another frustration would be the constant trying and getting told no all the time about school lunches. Happiness, that would be when we get our school better lunches, that would be a major happiness for me and the entire school. I think that is the only happiness that can happen.Sadness, there are no sadnesses because if we can’t get it I don’t that that anyone would be sad they’ll just continue living nobody will loose sleep over the situation because it’s really not that big of a deal.

The Binoculars: How will service learning change your future behaviors/attitudes and career?

In my own personal opinion I honestly do not think that service learning can change a person because you can not change a person that person has to be willing to change his/herself making them join a service learning group is not going to change them unless they change willingly.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Of Mice and Men quiz

Tihira Johnson


Q: How was Of Mice and Men similar to Native Son?

A: Of Mice and Men and Native Son are similar because in both books a girl acidentally gets killed by a man with problems.

Q: What do you see as the as other possible outcomes for George shooting Lennie?

A: Other possible ways would have been for George and Lennie to continue to run as they do all the time, or they could’ve just found new jobs.

Q: What were some of the motives as to why Curley was sp defensive?

A: Some of the motives as to why Curley was so defensive was because he had a complex of him being short, that he always tried to fight bigger people, and he did not trust his wife around people because he feared she would cheat on him.

Q: What was the problem with Lennie and soft things?

A: The problem with Lennie liking soft things was probably because it reminds him of his aunt Clara, it’s probably because he has a life that is so hard that he needs something soft to make is life easier, or it maybe because when he was a child most children liked soft things and grew to like soft things when they are grown up.

Q: Where did life changes occur between Lennie and George?

A: Life changes ocurred between Lennie an George, when George shot Lennie, they’re lives changed because now they would never see eachother again.

Q: Can you explain what must have happened when Lennie accidently killed the little puppy?

A: Most likely Lennie was rubbing the dog and eventually he squeezed the puppy so hard that the puppy bit him and Lennie squeezed harder and the puppy died.

Q: What are some of the problems with George and Lennie’s Life?

A: Some of the problems with George and Lennie’s life is that they both really do not have much money and they have no family to love and care for them, and they also have no stable place to live, no means of transportation so they pretty much are poor.

Q: How was Candy similar to is dog?

A: Candy was similar to his dog because they were both very old and ready to die.

Q: If you were responsible for Lennie how would you take care of him?

A: If I were responsible for Lennie I would never let him come out side because I would fear that he would kill somebody and get us both in trouble or get us both killed. I would not let him touch anthing that is alive and breathing.

Q: What do you supppose would have happened if Lennie did not obey George’s demand to fight back?
A: I think that Lennie probably would have just taken the beaten and would have ended up all bloody and him being so tough and strong, he probably would have just been ready to touch something soft, or he probably would have just acted as a five year old and crawled up ina corner covering his face.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Of Mice and Men!!!!!!!

Of Mice and Men was a very facinating movie for several reasons.

First, it showed how two men really cared about eachother no matter how the other one was. It showed that many people do honestly have hearts, meaning that in the movie and from what I’ve read in the book Lennie and George shared a bond and pretty much a dream that they once hoped to fulfill being pretty much poor with not really alot of money just enough for them to survive.

Second, I like the story because it showed that mental people are not always what people think of them. They have the ability to think for themselves. They have feelings and and they can be very strong when it comes to working and getting the job done. In the story Lennie who is supposed to be the guy with the mental problem seems to be very smart and defensive when it comes to his partner george, he seems to really care about people and animals.

Last, I like the story because it was very sad especially the part where Lennie and Curley had that little altercation and George tells Lennie to fight back and when he does he squeezes Curley’s hand until it literally bleeds and after that he started crying saying “ I did’nt mean to hurt him”, that part was very sad and heart felt it almost made me cry because of how sad it was.

Inconclusion, I would recomend this story to anyone who looks down on mental people because they do have feelings and they really do care and they may be as strong as Lennie so watch what you say and do to them.

The Skin Im in!!!!!!

The book called the Skin I’m In was a very great book for many different reason,

First the book was a great book because it told the story about a young girl who was teased and tormented everyday in school about how dark she was, the kids would call her all types of names, names such as Black and Ugly they would aslo tease her about the way she dressed, she would have to wear clothing that her mother made for her, which she really did not like at all so she would borrow clothing from her only friend, because of that she would get teased even more.

Second, I liked the book because it is based on true real life things that go on in young teens meaning things like poor families, children who are depressed and have very low self-esteem because of things that go in in school in their personal life where the family cannot afford the things their children need. The book is also about teen stress the girl in the book undergoes alot of stress, she feels that she is unable to get a man because of the way she looks and the guy that she likes is the same as the other kids but although he likes her back he does’nt want the other kids to know that he likes her.

Finally, I like the book because of the way the narrator tells the story, he tells the story as if we were actually there. The narrator also puts the story in a perspective where as though the reader feels where the girl in the book is coming from and it makes the reader feel like they have been there before even if you has’nt been there before you still feel as if you were.

Inconclusion, These are my reasons as to why I liked the book The Skin Im In.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Service learning

In Fridays service learning group we talked with Mrs lynn about the problems that we have had with the selling of the foods and she said that she really didn't like how we did not give her a three day notice about us selling food near her because she could get in trouble for it. We also talked with Mrs Lynn about food services and she was able to tell us that we could petition and get children to get the school better lunches and one of my group members who is Katonya Leach drew a rough draft of a petition just to get started. We also talked about changing the service learning schedule or keeping it at 45mins or raising it to 90mins because the last service learning meetings there are a numerous amount of trips going on so they asked for our opinion on what we would rather have it be. Last we talked about a rubric where we had to evaluate ourselves and have it turned in by the next service learning meeting. These are all the things that we talked about within our service learning groups.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Service Learning Plans

Tihira Johnson
May 8, 2008

Service Learning

In tomorrows service learning meeting I plan on going over more ideas on how I plan to help get our school better lunches. I plan on listening to others ideas and and either supporting it or not supporting it. I also plan on trying to get help from my group mates on when we should sell sandwiches but it has to be an available date where there is nothing really going on. These are the things that I plan on doing in tomorrows service learning meeting.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Out side lunch trip

In yesterdays service learning meeting we talked about a numerous amount of things, we talked about the feasibility trip we went on to figure out if it would be a better way to better our school lunch plus see if we are able to get to where we have to go to eat and still make it back to our school in time to get back to class. In doing all that we found that there was not enough time in our schedule to get there and back on time. We also talked about how healthy the food was and the different prices for the food, we also completed a survey on the quality of the food and the highest and the lowest prices for the food. In my personal opinion I think that being as though there is not enough time for us to get there and back, our classes should be lowered bout 10mins because it's just not enough time to do so and the children really want to have better lunch and in order for that to happen classes need to be lowered so that the children can be back to school on time and wont' have to worry about getting in trouble for being a few mins late to class everyday.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Empire of the Sun



Empire of the Sun was a movie based on the life of a young boy named Jamie (Jim) who’s life went from being a rich little British boy to a poor boy who gets stuck in Japan during World War II. In this essay I will be following the life of Jamie from the begining to the end.

Before the war Jamie was a rich gentle brat he lived in a mansion that was very beautiful he had all the finest things that he wanted in life fine silverware, clothing, bikes and everything else that he wanted that poorer people did’nt have. He was a brat he took advantage of his nanny he bossed her around and told her things like he had to listen to her because she was his maid, he also road his bike through the house when and whereever he wanted to. Throughout all of the rich and bratness he had he was a gentle little boy he cared for the homeless people alot.

During the war Jamie became very poor frightened and alone after he departed from his mother and father. He had no money, clothes, little food and water. Several days after being away from his family he found his way back to his house and there was no one there he was very hungry he ate cans of non-cooked foods and everything that he could find to support his hunger. He found that the Japanese people were stealing all of their belongings, he got smacked in his face by his ex-Japanese maid I guess that was to get him back for bossing her around all the time. Jamie was scared every time he saw a Japanese soldier he would stop and surrender for no apparent reason, he was all alone he had no parents to love and care for him, tell him what to do or disipline him when he did wrong like other parents would normally do their children. After a few years Jamie lived in many different places traveled to many different places and seen different things he barely had food he would run around doing anything to help people to get himself something to eat, wear, and sleep. During this time he had seen people go through so many different things and he himself had been through a few things such as being lied to, and also cheated. Jamie had one friend or so he thought and his name was Bassie , he was good to Jamie for a while until he became selfish and started caring about himself and forgot all about Jamie. Jamie had stopped trusting people, he became a mature little boy and stopped listening to people and what they told him he was his own man and nobody could stop him.

After the war, Jamie found his way to a place where little children, after years of being away from them, reunited with their parents. When Jamie arrived, he did not see his parents because he did not even know what they looked like. He too had been away from them for a long time. When his mother finally recognized him, she was very pleased and very happy. Jamie was still a little confused. He had to think about what his mother looked like, and he had to think back to what she felt like. By the time they recognized each other, they were very excited and happy. They hugged very tightly, as if they had been apart for a lifetime. He did the same to his father, who had walked right by him earlier, but didn’t recognize him either. By the end of the day, Jamie was back to his old self, and back to being a wealthy little boy again.

Inconclusion, This was the life of a little boy who was left in the wrong place at the wrong time and in the end became a man.

Service Learning Reflection

April 18, 2008


In yesterdays meeting unfortunitely I was absent on that day, but I did get some background info on what they were talking about from one of my group members Katonya who said that they talked about getting better lunches and finding places we could go for help. They also talked about letting Mrs Thompson know that they did not want her on the committiee because she did not want to listen to what they were saying. That is all that they talked about to my knowledge of what my group member told me.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


April 14, 2008


I am with the Nutrition Group for Service Learning, On friday’s meeting we talked about what our school needed to improve our schools lunch. Our group leaders were Anntoinette Marks, Derelle Ivery, and Micheal Lee, they proposed a eating healthy survey that they thought would be a good idea for the students to have. They allowed us to put our input and several kids had mostly the same ideas on the food thing. Our group leaders asked us to do some research to find what organizations would help us with making our school lunch better and healthy at the same time. Overall the meeting was good because everybody had input which allowed kids to get involved in the activity. What we need to improve is the research we need to find better research because we did’nt have enough. The meeting was very great and to the point.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

3/4/08 1-2


On September 9, 1938 at approximately 3:oo am 3 teenagers were found on the side of 31st and Indiana Road in a car that had been crashed dead into a tree. The driver looked to be a male about 18yrs old, a female in her teens and another male in his teens. As police and reporters gathered around the scene they found beer bottles in the back seat of the car along with a bottle of Rum, and Vodka. Police have stated that this was a case of teen drinking and driving, As police carried the bodies out of the smashed car parents and young teens gathered around watching as the three bodies were sadly put into the ambulance truck. Reporters and police urge parents not to let their children drive their cars on late nights out to parties where they know there will be drinking invloved. Police also say that laws should be inforced where teens are not allowed to drive after a certain amount of time or there will be fines involved.
Reporter- Tihira Johnson

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Service Learning- Week 1

1.What interest you?
- working with older people, things like reading to them and talking to them.
- Working with children maybe like a tutor.
- Babysitting
- Gardening

Why is service learning important?
Service learning is important because it helps keep children off the streets for a certain amount of hours and it is a good way to help better shape the community where as though their will be less children getting in trouble.




1. The topic that I chose for NHD was the Desegregation of Girard College, The project type was an Exhibit, my partners were Quincy Adams, Katonya Leach, and Ashlee Kalfas.

2. What did you learn?

- I learned that Girard College was a major issue in the philadelphia community and that it was a stepping stone to desegregation in other schools as well, and many people faught for many years and they finally got what they wanted.

- What I learned by working in groups was that as long as you have focused and hard working people to work with your project will go just fine even though you may argue alot in the end your project comes out great. I learned that my project was what I made it and if I did’nt put anything in I got nothing out but overall throughout the whole NHD Project I learned that it not only benefits to your grade but to my knowledge as well because when you research a certain topic that you had no idea about you learn more and that too is a good thing about NHD.

- The experience that I had with NHD was a great experience in a way but it was stressful as well because being as though I was so into working on thiss project it was all I thought about meaning that I forgot about every other class that I had and just focused on NHD and basically failing in other classes.

3.Some of my successes were that I got my work turned in on time and I got a major good grade on my project which was a very shocking moment for me because I really did’nt think that I would get such a good grade on my project.

4. Some of the challenges that I had were mainly getting the work turned in on time and actually trusting my group members which in the end turned out to be a huge success for me.

5. I really would not suggest any changes be made for next year but to work harder to maintain that good grade that I got this year.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Bloom’s Taxonomy Questions
1. What happened after Bigger left his apartment, after he slammed the door from the argument?
- After Bigger left his apartment, after the argument he walked down the steps and into the street and met up with his friends at the poolroom.
2.Can you write the names of Biggers friends in book 1.
- The names of Biggers friends in the first book are Gus, Jack, GH, and Bessie.
3. What questions could you ask Bigger if he were here now and a real person?
- If Bigger were and real person and here today I would ask him two questions, the First question would be Why was he afraid to show his fears knowing that he was afraid. The second question would be Why did he have second thoughts about taking the job at Mr. Dalton’s store.
4. What do you see as other possible outcomes for Bigger if he had not killed Mary?
Possible outcomes for Bigger if he had not killed Mary probably would have been that he would have not been on the run as he is in the book or he probably would have kept his job as a chauffer and maybe went to night school, married Bessie and lived happily ever after.
5. Can you see a possible solution to Bigger and Gus’s conflict?
- I can really see a possible solution to their conflict. The First thing they could do is sit down and maybe talk to each other about their fears, their goals and future plans. They should talk about what they want to be in life. Second they could just be mature adults and forget about the whole thing and just be friends again. And Finally, they could they could put a plan together and follow through with it.
6. Who do you think created Bigger, Bigger or society?
- There are three reasons as to why I think society created Bigger. First society created Bigger because in the time era that he lives in he has to be the way that he is because I that time period there is a lot of racism going on where there are people getting killed and Bigger has to play the tough guy role even though he is scared out of his mind so he has to play like he’s not afraid of anything. Second society created him because his friends aren’t as afraid of the things going on around them because they are tougher than Bigger so he has to prove to them that he is not afraid as well. Lastly society created Bigger because Bigger lives in a family that is trying to make it, he has no father figure in his life so he really has play two different roles, one being a father figure to his siblings meaning he has to be the man of the house taking the place of his father, and two being the tough guy along with his friends and being tough for the outside world around him.


The 1st chapter ends when Bigger slams the door on page 12. This chapter should be called “Trauma” because he faces different things and everything to him makes him feel like he’s traumatized.

Chapter 2 starts after he slams the door on page 12 and the chapter should end on page 15. This chapter should be called “Fly like a bird” because him and his friend are acting as if the were flying in the chapter.

Chapter 3 starts on page 22 when Bigger and Gus enter the poolroom. The Chapter ends on page 29 when they leave the poolroom. This chapter should be called “The Plan” because in this chapter they have planned their little scheme on what they are going to do later on in the day.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Our project is called are you Left or Right Sided. Our project consists of information based on the right and left dominance and hemisphere of your body. We have found some information that can help me with our experiment, We went to a website that told us about handedness, handedness can be describe as the hand that performs faster on manual tests. There are two type of handedness which is the left and right. We also found some information on the left and right hemisphere of your brain. It told me that your brain is split into two halves, which is a left and right side. We began to do further our search as we did so we began to think about what side of our body we use the most, we realized that we write with our right hand but we do most things with the left part of our body. We went to a website and it gave me some information that we found interesting. The web site said humans have the most obvious functional which is the left sides which is specialized in speech and language abilities. In the mid-1800s, Paul Broca a French neurosurgeon identified a particular area of the left hemisphere that plays a primary role in speech production. Shortly afterwards, a German neurologist, Carl Wernicke, identified another part of the left hemisphere primarily concerned with language comprehension. Therefore you can see above that the left side of your brain has to do with comprehending things and you speaking. The more one knows about the neurological mechanisms underlying language abilities, the more complicated these issues become, for example some people have problems speaking because there speech is specialize on the right hemisphere. However there is a great deal about brain lateralization that we may still not understand.

Science Project

Tihira Johnson
Quincy Adams
Katonya Leach
January 18, 2008
Are You Left or Right Sided?
Question: Will people use one side of their body more than the other?

QUESTION: Will people use there right side of their body more than their left?
HYPOTHESIS: People will use their right side more than their left?
0. A ball
0. A paper towel tube
0. A phone
0. Pen and paper
Step 1: Find volunteers to do take the test.
Step 2: Once you find enough volunteers have them go through a series of test to see what part of there body is in more use.
Step 3: First you see what foot they use to kick the ball and record your data.
Step 4: Second you give them a paper towel tube and see what eye they put it up to, then record your data
Step 5: Third give them a phone and see what ear they put it up to and record your data.
Step 6: Lastly give them a pen and paper and see what hand they use to write on the paper with then record your data.
Step 7: Repeat steps three through four, for all your volunteers.

Criteria Right Left
Hand 25 4
Ear 22 7
Foot 17 11
Eye 19 10
Total 83 32
Criteria Right Left
Hand 14 8
Ear 10 11
Foot 9 12
Eye 11 10
Total 44 41
Female Graph Male Graph
Results: The data tables shows that the biggest difference was between the right and left handed girls. The table showed that the right hand is the most dominate between men and woman. In women there was a far more difference but with the other categories it was very close. If you look at the data table you can see that men had the closes dominate in right and left hand, but you can also see that in men that there wasn’t that much of a difference. So according to our data the right part of men and women were used the most but you can also see in men that the total was right near each other.
Conclusion: Our hypothesis was correct. We stated that people will use there right side more than there left. The reason why we say this is because the majority of the people our partners and we tested were right handed and used the right side of there body more than there left. We got some information off the computer to back up some of our opinions. One website talked the handedness between rights and left, it said that handedness can be described as a hand that performs faster on manual test, according to our data that is the right hand. However I’ve found some information on the right and left hemisphere of our brain. Some people may not know that are brain is split into two such like and apple cut in half, one side of the brain is the left and another is the left. The information that we found tells me the side of the brain is specific for speech production and language comprehension. The right hemisphere comes into play when people can’t understand a certain language. Therefore our data proved that the right part of the body is used the most.

Monday, January 14, 2008

NHD links

Tihira Johnson

January 10,2008

Project Links

Monday, January 7, 2008


January 4 2008

Annotated Bibliography

1. Girard College, video cassette, Documentary
This source helped me really understand what actually happened during the Desegregation of Girard College.

2. Stephen Girard The founder, Cheeseman A. Herrick.
Kessinger publishing, copyright 1923
This source helped me understand more about my topic and basically everything that I needed to know about Girard College and Girard himself with access to Stephen Girards will.

3. The will of Stephen Girard.
Although this source did’nt give me enough information it gave me a very good understanding of the source itself and made me realize that Girard was very prejudice in my opinion.

4. The Americans.
This source helped me because it gave me alot of information on school segregation itself and of course segregation all around the world.

5. The Brown vs Board of Education Document
This source helped me because it gave me a brief decription of a small family of four that was decriminated against in their school which was also apart of segregation at that time.

NHD Topic Choice Essay

January 4, 2008


National History Day (NHD) is a day where students both elementary and secondary schools research a topic related to a certain theme “Conflict and Compromise” and then expand on it’s past and then they compete in a contest and the winner gets a scholarship for college etc.

In this years National History Day (NHD) contest I will be relating to the theme “Conflict and Compromise”. I will expand on the desegregation of Girard College and what actually caused this racist act to occur. I will be interviewing many people and finding out whether they were actually there to see this happen, collect information related to my topic and put them together to actually figure out what happened during that specific time period and what was going on in the rest of the world and how they felt about it.

Information that I have on my project is very precise I have maintained information on the court cases, books, and the actual will of the late Stephen Girard and what he actually wished before he past away information that he wanted to make known about his college that people misunderstood about it things such as money that he left for poor white orphan boys to get in to school. Girard’s will sparked up a huge civil rights story in Philadelphia causing the Desegregation Act to occur. Cecil B. Moore a criminal lawyer and civil rights leader led the movement because many people wanted the school to admit young black boys as well a they did young white orphan boys.

There is still much information that I must obtain in order to make my project more interesting so that people could understand what it is that I am trying to get them to see about my topic. My topic is very important and there is still much work that needs to be done.

I decided to choose this topic because I felt that my other topic was not strong enough because I did not have enough information related to my last topic which was the murder rate in Philadelphia and then I had to narrow it down and I choose the murder of Ivan Brown who played pro ball and was shot in the head. The topic that I have chosen now allows me to research more information on my topic better than to have someone bring me information at hand. So that is basically why I chose to changed my topic to the Desegregation of Girard College because I have a better chance at getting the information that I need right away besides depending on someone else.

My plans for this project are very precise I plan to go over all the things that need to be covered things such as why was Girard College segregated in the first place? What caused this act to occur? all of those things and much more so basically you should understand where I am going with my topic.

Inconclusion now you can see what my plans are for this project and what to expect from me when this project is done because I want everybody to get a feel of my topic so they can have a brief description of my topic.