Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Our project is called are you Left or Right Sided. Our project consists of information based on the right and left dominance and hemisphere of your body. We have found some information that can help me with our experiment, We went to a website that told us about handedness, handedness can be describe as the hand that performs faster on manual tests. There are two type of handedness which is the left and right. We also found some information on the left and right hemisphere of your brain. It told me that your brain is split into two halves, which is a left and right side. We began to do further our search as we did so we began to think about what side of our body we use the most, we realized that we write with our right hand but we do most things with the left part of our body. We went to a website and it gave me some information that we found interesting. The web site said humans have the most obvious functional which is the left sides which is specialized in speech and language abilities. In the mid-1800s, Paul Broca a French neurosurgeon identified a particular area of the left hemisphere that plays a primary role in speech production. Shortly afterwards, a German neurologist, Carl Wernicke, identified another part of the left hemisphere primarily concerned with language comprehension. Therefore you can see above that the left side of your brain has to do with comprehending things and you speaking. The more one knows about the neurological mechanisms underlying language abilities, the more complicated these issues become, for example some people have problems speaking because there speech is specialize on the right hemisphere. However there is a great deal about brain lateralization that we may still not understand.

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