Monday, March 3, 2008


Bloom’s Taxonomy Questions
1. What happened after Bigger left his apartment, after he slammed the door from the argument?
- After Bigger left his apartment, after the argument he walked down the steps and into the street and met up with his friends at the poolroom.
2.Can you write the names of Biggers friends in book 1.
- The names of Biggers friends in the first book are Gus, Jack, GH, and Bessie.
3. What questions could you ask Bigger if he were here now and a real person?
- If Bigger were and real person and here today I would ask him two questions, the First question would be Why was he afraid to show his fears knowing that he was afraid. The second question would be Why did he have second thoughts about taking the job at Mr. Dalton’s store.
4. What do you see as other possible outcomes for Bigger if he had not killed Mary?
Possible outcomes for Bigger if he had not killed Mary probably would have been that he would have not been on the run as he is in the book or he probably would have kept his job as a chauffer and maybe went to night school, married Bessie and lived happily ever after.
5. Can you see a possible solution to Bigger and Gus’s conflict?
- I can really see a possible solution to their conflict. The First thing they could do is sit down and maybe talk to each other about their fears, their goals and future plans. They should talk about what they want to be in life. Second they could just be mature adults and forget about the whole thing and just be friends again. And Finally, they could they could put a plan together and follow through with it.
6. Who do you think created Bigger, Bigger or society?
- There are three reasons as to why I think society created Bigger. First society created Bigger because in the time era that he lives in he has to be the way that he is because I that time period there is a lot of racism going on where there are people getting killed and Bigger has to play the tough guy role even though he is scared out of his mind so he has to play like he’s not afraid of anything. Second society created him because his friends aren’t as afraid of the things going on around them because they are tougher than Bigger so he has to prove to them that he is not afraid as well. Lastly society created Bigger because Bigger lives in a family that is trying to make it, he has no father figure in his life so he really has play two different roles, one being a father figure to his siblings meaning he has to be the man of the house taking the place of his father, and two being the tough guy along with his friends and being tough for the outside world around him.

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